How to price your services

How to price your services

Knowing how to price your services can be one of the hardest things to do when you run your own business. Set your prices too low, and you might end up not being taken seriously by prospective customers and clients. Price too high, and you risk losing a potential...
How to get clients fast

How to get clients fast

Imagine this. You’ve successfully taken your business off the ground. You’ve got clients, and you’re making some profit. But things could be better. You could be working with clients who feel just right for you and your business. Clients who value...
How to get more clients

How to get more clients

How does a business owner go about getting clients? Start-up businesses need clients. Established, successful businesses need fewer, better, higher-paying clients. But how does a business owner go about getting clients? You have to work to get clients. Getting new...