The one area that most entrepreneurs (especially women) are falling down is in sales so, in today’s post I will share a few simple steps on how to improve your sales
Zig Ziglar once said, “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
And it’s true. Your clients have a need that usually presents as something they perceive as a challenge or problem. So, You need to show up with a solution to their problem and – you now have a new client. You need to remember that people are very happy to invest their money for you to solve their problem.
You have probably noticed that the market is changing rapidly. People are in information overload and they are being bombarded with “potential” solutions to their problems. To find and keep high paying clients today, we need to get “back to basics.” And there’s nothing more basic than being of service to your clients (no clients, no business)
The one area that I find that most entrepreneurs are falling down is in sales.
There are a lot of reasons for this, but the number one reason is the fear of selling. The challenge is that in today’s market busines owners are totally overwhelmed with information and most entrepreneurs are relying on mass online marketing methods which is quickly causing in dropping revenues.
The reason is that marketing was not intended to do sales.
The intention of marketing is to raise awareness of your product or service to your ideal clients and communicate the value you offer.
A sale is everything you do to enter a relationship with your new client from enrolment to signing a contract. The sale is simply being of service and providing the opportunity for you to solve your client’s biggest challenges. Without marketing you wouldn’t have prospects or leads to follow up with, but yet without a good sales technique (one that does not feel slimy or manipulative) you will not be profitable. It is all about building relationships and being of service.
Selling isn’t about using hard sales tactics.
It’s about problem-solving and working with a client toward a solution. You have a service (or product) that solves a problem that the client has.
To get back to basics in regards to sales, we must re-establish the fundamental approach of selling.
Sales Is a science — there are methods and processes that if put into practice on a consistent basis will lead to increased business, even in the most challenging of economies.
Here is Your Getting Started Checklist:
1. Be clear on your ideal client profile: A strong sales foundation starts with a strong ideal client profile. You have to know exactly who you are talking to. What sort of problem they have. Otherwise, you will waste both money and time trying to grow your business.
2. Schedule consistent time daily or weekly to pick up the phone or meet face to face with your potential client and be of service: Nothing is more important when it comes to selling than to manage your time. The most successful people set a dedicated time each day (or week) to make the calls. To make time for sales. They schedule it on their calendar like any other high-value appointment.
3. Prepare your database. Do you have a list of who you want to serve through your product or service? After all, this is what all of the marketing efforts are for
4. Know what you are going to say and be clear about the value you offer: It is often a misunderstanding that people think they need some sort of elaborate script.
Simple scripts are always best.
Be authentic and remember, your intention is to build a relationship here.
5. Mindset is EVERYTHING: If you are afraid to have sales conversations or have some resistance around it, you are not alone. Even 84% of professional salespeople report having call reluctance. Let’s face it, when you think of a salesperson you might get mixed feelings, that is how we were programmed that sale is something bad. In reality, nothing on the planet actually sells itself. All things need a salesperson and you are the best person for the job!
6. Pick up the phone and start transforming lives: My clients are always pleasantly surprised at the results of actually picking up the phone and talking to their prospective clients. And the clients like it too. It feels good to build relationships — on both ends.
The key to success is making the calls from a place of being of service. How can you go wrong with that intention?
Remember, selling is all about building a relationship with your prospects and listening to their needs. Once you’ve built that relationship, you need to show you care and earned their trust, you are on the road to enrolling them as a customer and changing lives.